In the context of the steady retreat of the human rights situation in Syria during this year, the month of March witnessed a serious decline, and deterioration of the worrying human rights situation in the country generally, and in the Kurdish areas in particular, both in terms of security of large-scale motions, including leadership in the Kurdish Progressive Democratic Party in Syria, Faisal Yousef by the Palestine Branch, and a group of the members of the future trend of the Kurdish branch of the Political Security, or for calls that took place in Aleppo by the political security and state security, which included Kurdish leaders and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kurdish Human Rights (observer), or temporary detention for hours, combined with ill-treatment, and methods of psychological torture, humiliating human dignity, and forcing detainees to waive the rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution, the signing of the licenses and commitments, not to call for peaceful demonstrations in contrast to Chapter IV (the rights and freedoms and duties) of the Constitution.
In the framework of the significant decline, and the serious Syria is witnessing in the suppression of fundamental freedoms, took the Syrian authorities to censor the website of the Syrian Organization for Human Rights in Syria (equal) on 4/3/2009, as reported by the organization, which is strangled, and a blatant attack on the freedom of opinion and expression.
In further abuse, and oppression, and unwarranted punitive action against citizens, and based on any legal provision or court ruling, the Al – hasake Directorate of Education for hours, and under the guidance of the security services in the province, on 4/3/2009 arbitrary transfer of teachers from each:
Ahmed Abdel-Salam bin Ismail
Mohamed bin Daud Alabtan
Saad Hassan Sulaiman
From the Ministry of Education and other ministries to the terms of reference related to the completed.
Was denied the cancellation of all aspects of the celebration of International Women’s Day in the 8/3/2009, which used the celebration of women each year, both in the galleries are closed, or open, an event popular with nature, rather than political, but the security agencies not only that , but, in 3-9 campaign of raids, including celebrations of sites supported by the forces of law and order, and arrested both of:
Mr. Sabri Al-Naso member Central Committee of the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (Alparti)
Mr. Fener Jamil.
Also arrested on the same day, Mr. Nasreddin Brhec member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (Alparti), by the political security in Al- Hasake over to rekindle the memory of the death of the late Mullah Mustafa Barzani, was referred to the elimination of the three quickly.
And on Wednesday, 3-11-2009 / issued by the assignment judge in Damascus resolution / 167 / accused of:
Mr. Mustafa Juma Bakar
Mr. Mohammed Said Al-Hussein’s life
Mr. Saadoun Mahmoud Sheikho
Members of the leadership of the Kurdish Azadi Party in Syria, file No. / 1201 / for 2009, a crime of incitement to sedition between the sons of the nation, and weakening the national feeling, the management of political association, and the promotion of illegal publications, and for that trial before the Damascus Criminal Court.
However, on 12 and 3-16 / had the most impact on Kurdish citizens who came out to meet the call of the Kurdish political movement to stand five minutes of silence for the victims of sweet bloody March 12, the protest against the continuation of the Syrian authorities of ignoring the appeals of Kurdish forces to investigate these events, leaving the families of the victims without any compensation, and the looting with impunity, and the March killing of a legal punishment. And recalling the victims of the Halabja massacre in the 3-16, which extend the system of the Republic of terror and mass graves in Iraq, the security authorities broke up peaceful gatherings violently, and arrested large numbers of university students, and citizens for short periods of time known as:
Abdul Rahman Mustafa, the engineering student a second year University of Aleppo
Dara Ibrahim – College of Human Medicine second-year University of Aleppo
Rizan Mohamed – College of Human Medicine second-year University of Aleppo
Sefen Ibrahim – College of Human Medicine second-year University of Aleppo
Rose Ibrahim – College of Human Medicine second-year University of Aleppo
Mohammed Said – Faculty of Engineering
Sayf al-Din Muhammad – The Institute of Commercial
Behzad Muslims – a fourth year Human
Jihan Rashid.
Most were released except that:
Behzad Muslim human Aleppo University
Alan Al-Husseini Economics, University of Aleppo,
Abdi throw Education, University of Aleppo
Mohammed Fattah Shikhmus philosophy of the University of Aleppo
Kawa Deco Aleppo University Agricultural Institute
Bakr and Ahmed Ali, born in 1965 on the village of Al-Shifa Khader town of Afrin Bolbol
Were referred to the individual judge in 18/3/2009 according to military sources, students at the University of Aleppo
Are still reasons for the arrest and the fate of
Abdul Majeed and Abdullah Badran Dekori, and the seat unknown since 12/3/2009, who were arrested by political security Amouda without any judicial memorandum or statement of the reason for their arrest.
As well as to the fate of Othman Kadar and his mother Fahima born 1982, who was arrested in Damascus since 13/3/2009.
In the 3-16-2009 the security authorities arrested a political column from the city of the citizen Abdel Salam Mahmoud recordings shop owner who believes that peace comes against the backdrop of his commitment to the commemoration of the massacre of Halabja.
Criminal Court issued a second ruling in Damascus unfair against the writer and political dissident Habib Saleh 15/3/2009 three years, on charges of publishing false news in a time of war, aimed at weakening the national feeling and awaken prejudices, racism, sectarianism.
In the context of harassment, security-intensive, and indulging in violation of the freedom of citizens, and security. Have had the security services to harass and provoke the citizens 20/3/2009 on the night of the celebration of Newroz, by activists to call civilians, and to exert pressure on them to dissuade them from going out to the ground, and the revival of Eid NouRoz; National Day of the Kurdish people, authorities have also built theaters to shelf Day of Commemoration in memory of Nowruz in:
And the arrest of a huge group of people are in Hassake:
Sulaiman Majid Al-Osso leading member of the Kurdish Yekiti Party in Syria.
Iwan Aziz Abdullah
And Hvnd Saleh Hussein
Dlkhaz Zainal Abidin Mohamed
Abdul-Karim Mohammed Abdu
Riad Kamal Hoban
Ayman Saleh Hamoud
Bndoar nautical sheikhs
Bracelet nautical sheikhs
Farhan Masood Pro
Dkhawaz Mahmoud Darwish
Bribery Mohammad Sharif Mirkan
Riaz Mohammed Ahmed
Salar Barzan Abd al-Rahman
Abdul Kareem Mohammad Al –
Daham Hussein sheikhs
Ramadan Rashid Othman
And a series of events: the
Joan Jalal Saeed Maktoum enrollment born 94
Farhan Malik Sheikho born in 1992
Ismail Ismail Bakar 1992 Maktoum enrollment
Ahmed Abdel Salam Nichervan born 1991
Abdul Karim enough Mazloum 1991
Omar Darwish Chaabal 1993
The majority of these were referred to the individual judge in the military in Al- qamhley 29/3/2009
In Derek (Maalikia):
Riaz Mohammed Ahmed
Ramadan Rashid Hissou
Madhloum Abdoulkarim
Those arrested on 3-23 / on the same background of the criminal security according to legal sources.
In the district of Aleppo, Sheikh intentional, inspired by Al-Ashrafiyyah, the forces of order, and the police to use tear gas and batons to disperse a peaceful assembly, Alkrnvale to celebrate Newroz, at about six o’clock in the evening at 20 \ 3 \ 2009, and was the arrest of dozens of streets, storm and some of the houses and the arrest of citizens from their homes.
He knew the number of names that have been arrested, and is still unaccounted for:
Mahmoud bin Mohammed Mustafa Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture
Adel Mustafa bin Muhammad lawyer,
Mustafa bin Muhammad
Behzad Ben Suliman
Azad Ahmed
Sardar Ahmad
Farzat Ahmed
Nephew (Farzat Ahmed)
Civil engineer Adel Ahmed
Agricultural Engineer Mustafa Ali
Hussein Mohamed
Farzand Ahmed bin just
Mustafa Bin Ahmad Adel
Farhad Ahmed bin just
Khalid Abdul Hannan
Jean Hussein Mohamed
Ismet Ali
Rami Abdallah and the city of Kopany contents according to a statement of the Coordinating Committee flag
Issued and the Supreme State Security Court in Damascus on Wednesday, 25 \ 3 \ 2009 was sentenced to a term of five years, Mohammed Khalil Abu-Zeid
Sentenced to five years in jail for withholding part of Syrian territory and annex them to a foreign country pursuant to Article 293 of the Syrian Penal Code, in reference to the affiliation of Abu Zeid to the PKK has increased since the prison in May 2007
While the same on Wednesday 25/3/2009 corridors of the First Criminal Court in Damascus last chapter of the trial of Al-Meshal Altamo the official spokesman for the Kurdish Future Current in Syria, the meeting adjourned to 2/4/2009 for the Audit Sub –
Has issued a special state security court in Damascus on 29/3/2009 against the unfair provisions of:
Ahmed Abdel-Kader, Seydou 1974 and generate a unique mother
Jihad Saleh Abdo born 1967 and his mother, Zainab.
Five years
Saleh Mohammad Abdu born 1977, Zelok.
Mohammed Hamid Hussein, born 1981 and his mother mother Zehra .Four years
It is noteworthy that those detained since September 2007 on charges of belonging to the Kurdish Azadi Party in Syria.
We are in the Kurdish Committee for Human Rights (observer) condemn and strongly denounce the suppression of peaceful gatherings, as well as the condemnation of the policy of arbitrary detention, the right of citizens, which will not work in one day, and we demand the immediate release and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience in Syria, and we expressed our concern of the effectiveness of the Supreme State Security Court, as had been suspended for more than eight months, the pricing index indicates a serious determination of the executive authorities to make public life in Syria under the orders of special courts, at a time when we yearn for the abolition of the dominance of the executive authorities to the legislature and the judiciary, and working hard to eliminate the rampant corruption in most government departments, which is rife there, and work hard for economic development, human, and the fight against poverty, unemployment, and the organization of public life and civil laws, in line with the aspirations of the Syrian people, and keep pace with development tremendous scientific, and mitigate the impact of the global economic crisis.
And without the slightest doubt that the insistence of the security agencies to follow in the path of arbitrary arrests outside the framework of the law, and continue to prevent peaceful gatherings, and stay away from the role assigned to it, and neglect their responsibilities, such as the protection of property and security of citizens, which has become a dangerous phenomenon, as happened in Qamishli on 21 / 3 / 2009 in the mockery of the freedoms of citizens, the security agencies, there have been cases of theft, robbery, and Phillips Agency, Syda and the place of the Antica in Alqamhley in the street, and the death of Ms. Halima Ramadan Causey, a seventy-year-old, in her home district of the city of Qamishli Aljomaya, and theft of assets in cash home, all this is a sign of a serious escalation refers to the extent of deterioration in the situation of human rights in Syria, and confirms the status of full resistance by Syrian authorities for any input, or participate in political life, social, economic, or cultural, from the outside will The draft ruling power, which constitute a flagrant violation of fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Syrian Constitution, pursuant to a state of emergency and martial law declared in the country since 1963, which creates a climate of frustration and despair at the grassroots level, and loss of hope, and they are psychological citizens, and especially from the Kurdish, which has become commonplace against the escalation in serious acceleration, as well as in the exceptional circumstances experienced by Syria, where the need is for all its citizens. These actions constitute a clear violation of Syria’s international commitments on human rights, and the recommendations of the International Commission on Human Rights, as well as their impact on the national unity desired.
Kurdish Committee for Human Rights (observer)
Board of Directors.
Hasake 3-30-2009